“There’s a clear and repetitive stress in the Quran and Sunnah on the importance of working hard, excelling whatever is done, and fulfilling the higher aims of living as servants of Allah SWT and his loyal vicegerents on earth; i.e. developing communities and enjoining what’s in their best.”
Dear Brother and Sisters, Assalamu alikum,
I never quite figured out the motto of those who like to remain in the shade, sometimes out of “humbleness” or “piety”, and some other times rejecting or not daring to score successes, whether big or small.
With all due respect to clean intentions of those who follow the same, such attitude falls short of a sound Muslim Character. Part of a sound Islamic personality is being strong, confident, and practicing sound reliance on Allah SWT.
Look at what has become of our Ummah, once flourishing with great fulfillments and conventional breakthroughs, radiating advancement and positive impacts, is now lagging far behind.
There’s a clear and repetitive stress in the Quran and Sunnah on the importance of working hard, excelling whatever is done, and fulfilling the higher aims of living as servants of Allah SWT and his loyal vicegerents on earth; i.e. developing communities and enjoining what’s in their best.
Listen to what Allah says in the Quran;
“And He it is Who has created the heavens and earth in six Days and His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds.” – – {Quran 11:7}
Such aim and optimum goal of life is never fulfilled by watching white standing still, or being a mere follower of others. One should have his own input and added value for his or her community.
So life is sort of a trial to our piety as well as our striving to do good to humanity at large and develop life on earth. Life is a test, an all-encompassing one.
So those who focus solely on the acts of worship and ignore the ‘work’ factor of the test, are having a half-complete picture of life and its aim, and consequently, a faulty understanding of both.
In another instance in the Quran, Allah Almighty says; “Verily We have made that which is on earth as an adornment for it, in order that We may test them [mankind] as to which of them are best in deeds.” – – {Quran 18:7}
So which of you is of best deeds. Stand out and refuse to lead a normal life.. Stand out and refuse to remain in the shade– Excel!!
Wassalaam, Maha Youssuf The Muslim Tribune Editor maha@muslimtribune.org
Posted on: January 29, 2012