Listen what Imam Abu Hamed al- Ghazali once said, addressing one of his students, in his set of universal outsanding set of advices: “Dear Beloved Son”… Sound reliance on Allah (SWT) does not and should not be mistaken for ignoring the bliss of wise and rational thinking- dealing by logic, and analyzing situations, thoroughly. Listen what Imam Ghazali once said, addressing one of his students, in his “Dear Beloved Son” … “My dear son… After this day, question me not except by the language of reason. As He the Exalted says: “And had they waited patiently until you came forth to them, it would have been better for them. [49:5]” Accept the advice of Al-Khidr (AS) when he said:”Ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to you concerning it. [18:70]” And do not be in a hurry to reach the time when it shall be disclosed to you. Allah the Exalted says: “I will show you My signs so do not be in a hurry. [21:37]” So do not ask me before the time is ripe. Be sure that you will not reach [a station] except by traveling [towards it]: “Do they not travel through the earth and see? [30:9]” So, apply your wisdom and enact your rational thinking, then practice sound reliance on your Lord, He shall not fail you- Ever!   By: Maha Youssuf   Posted on: February 9, 2012